
engine room

Local government utopia is a concept where the local government is considered to be ideal or perfect in terms of providing citizens with all necessary services, promoting equality, protecting rights, and maintaining social stability. This concept envisions a world where local government operates with transparency, accountability, and efficiency, and where the citizens have a significant role in decision making. However, such a concept of a perfect local government may differ depending on cultural, political, and economic perspectives, and may not necessarily be achievable in reality.

Source: ChatGPT

January 2015

As managers in the ‘engine room’ of local government we can offer a frank and realistic discussion about what is happening in councils. Our view isn’t obscured either by high office or immersion in day to day operations. We talk about the bits that are good, the bits that aren’t, and how they could be better. The aim is to provoke thinking, question practice, and encourage improvement. We are not trying to be systematic, comprehensive or authoritative. We are just writing about things that have happened to us or that we have observed happening to others.

The authors, writing as part of a blog club, have extensive experience working in local government and have started writing to get the things out of their heads that would otherwise rattle around in there for no good purpose.

For first time readers, the syntopicon provides a quick overview of the topics posted in the first 12 months.

Update January 2016.

I have a confession.  What I wrote above almost a year ago is not exactly true.

Localgovernmentutopia.com has been a blog club, but not in the way you might think. Rather than several writers, it has ended up being one writer with assistance from several editors and lots of influencing from them and other colleagues across local government in Victoria. About 20 people have provided much of the inspiration, often unknowingly. Conversations lead to posts.

Writing under pseudonyms has allowed ideas to be expressed freely. When discussing the idea of a blog, my colleagues were alarmed at the damage it might do for their employment prospects and they were much relieved to find out it would be anonymous. It seems that expressing ideas in local government is seen as dangerous.

As a professional development exercise, writing the blog has been tremendous. In penning over 200,000 words in 2015 I examined many ideas, published provocations, engaged in debates (sometimes with myself), and allowed thoughts to grow and mature in public. In among them are some home truths and forthright opinions. Since 2015 the posts have been occasional and focused on topical issues of the day.

Writing from several viewpoints (i.e. explanatory, critical, and constructive voices) has enabled clarity in thinking to emerge on matters I have been contemplating for years. Introducing a local government superhero provided another perspective but one that proved too difficult to sustain. Writing fiction is much more difficult that I thought it would be, even though things happening in councils can be stranger than fiction.

Hopefully, some coherent thinking has emerged as topics have been worked and reworked. I am also hopeful that my passion for local government and the potential it has to improve peoples’ lives is evident.

Lastly, my apologies to The Brittas Empire.


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